Friday, April 16, 2010

Tea Bagger movement organized, funded and coordinated by Republican PR firm

The Tea Bagger rabble is nowhere near to a grass roots movement as its controllers and Fox News advertises it to be. About a year ago a Republican political consultant with the California Republican public relations firm Russo Marsh & Rogers, proposed that he said could “give a boost to our PAC and position his firm as a leading force as the 2010 elections by associating with the Tea-Bagger movement.

The proposal for a nationwide Tea Bagger party bus tour, called the Tea Party Express, has become the most identifiable brand of the Tea Bagger horde. Buses emblazoned with the Tea Party Express logo have brought speakers and entertainers, including former less than one–term Gov. Sarah Palin (R-AK), to rallies in dozens of cities and towns. These rallies have been funded, planned by campaign-style advance work, and managed by advisors closely associated Russo Marsh & Rogers. Advertising and promotion of these rallies has been handled by Russo Marsh & Rogers and integrated political action committees.  

Russo Marsh & Rogers founder Sal Russo has organized and coordinated prolific fundraising schemes for the ‘Tea Party Express’ coordinated campaign, and created the ‘Our Country Deserves Better –’ PAC to fund and air hundreds of thousands of dollars in ads supporting Republican campaigns like Scott Brown’s successful special US Senate election in Massachusetts and blasting Democratic ones, such as Senate Majority Leader Reid’s reelection bid in Nevada.

The ‘Tea Party Express’s’ high profile has infuriated tea bagger rally attendants suspicious of huge payments to Russo Marsh & Rogers, who view the bus tours as distractions heading into the 2010 midterm elections. Many rally attendee’s say Republican ties to the California PR firm and PAC are wrong for a movement that claims its’ independence of any political establishment, even though national polls show more than 70% of tea baggers support Republicans. These baggers, who are not funded by Russo Marsh & Rogers, also angrily reject what looks to be a Republican effort to take the Tea Bagger movement over.

1 comment:

  1. It's interesting that this movement was artificially created and funded by big dollar special interests, just like the original Tea Party in Boston that was created and funded by Boston's elite merchant class in 1773, after the British Parliament reduced taxes on tea and therefore lowering its price to help the British East India Company avert bankruptcy and effectively put Boston merchants out of business.

    Like the price of tea being lowered in the colonies, Obama cut income and/or payroll taxes on 95% of Americans this year, average Americans are being duped by big moneyed special interests ginning up artificial discontent so that the real problems like widespread unemployment and crumbling infrastructure do not get addressed.

    It wasn't even called the Boston Tea Party until the 1830's when history revisionists had to clean up stories of the Revolution, in 1773 it was called the 'Destruction of Tea' act by its instigators.

    Sometimes Americans aren't smart enough to know they are being played.
