Friday, April 16, 2010

Right-wing Cato institute calls presidential hopeful Mitt Romney's health care plan identical to the plan just signed into Law

Right-wing think tank Cato Institute executive vice president David Boaz says that Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney is the guy who created the prototype for ObamaCare. 
Romney has been taking fire recently for criticizing President Barack Obama's health care plan despite having enacted a fundamentally identical bill as governor of Massachusetts in 2006.
During an April 15th, 2010 Cato Institute discussion of the politics and policy of RomneyCare and Obamacare, Boaz asked, "How can he lead the charge against a health care plan that is modeled on his own?"  Michael Cannon, Cato's director of Health Policy Studies, commented, “When you run down this list of elements in the Obama plan and the Romney plan, they are all identical.".
Both plans comprise a series of insurance regulations, subsidies and mandates to extend coverage to the uninsured. Both create insurance exchanges that allow individuals and small businesses to pool risk, and neither includes a government-run option.
Watch the Cato Institute discussion here:

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