Wednesday, April 14, 2010

National Poll shows majority of Tea Baggers say the taxes they'll pay this year are fair, contradicting Fox News talking points

A new nationwide CBS News/ New York Times poll shows that 52 percent of Tea-Bagger Party supporters think the amount of income taxes they'll pay this year is fair, while 42 percent think the amount they’ll pay is unfair. 

6 percent of Tea-Baggers were not smart enough to answer the tax fairness question according to the poll. Less than 20 percent of Americans say they support the Tea Party movement.

Americans overall are more likely than the Tea-Baggers to describe the income taxes they'll pay this year as fair,  with 62 percent saying taxes are fair according to the same poll which was conducted April 5 - 12. A Majority of Americans across all income levels say their income taxes are fair, as do most Republicans and Democrats.

This poll was conducted among a random sample of 1,580 adults nationwide, interviewed by telephone April 5-12, 2010. Phone numbers were dialed from RDD samples of both standard land-lines and cell phones. The error due to sampling for results based on the entire sample could be plus or minus two percentage points. The error for subgroups is higher.
An oversample of people who describe themselves as supporters of the Tea Bagger movement were interviewed, for a total of 881 interviews. The results were then weighted in proportion to the adult population. The margin of error for the sample of Tea Party supporters is three points.
This poll release conforms to the Standards of Disclosure of the National Council on Public Polls.

1 comment:

  1. By April 15th these clowns will realize that their federal taxes most likely went down this year, unless they are tax cheats, like most of the multinational corporations that didn't pay taxes through accounting schemes and supported the Bush regime.
