Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Republican strategy to win back congress; obstruct all federal programs that help Americans, and label all help as socialist

Republicans have a two-fold strategy to win one or both houses of congress this November. Their strategy is based on the condemnation, denigration and paralysis of the federal government.
After holding the reins of government from 2001 to 2009 where the republicans started two unfunded wars and looked the other way as Wall Street ransacked the middle-class and almost brought the whole US economic system down in ruins; they are expecting that Americans have such short memories that they can just place blame everywhere but where it belongs and show that government is not a force for good or positive change.
After president Obama’s election, as people were hurting, his administration had to struggle against the inclination to punish the scoundrels and instead focus on righting the ship of state. That cost him huge amounts of political capital. Then came the health care reform battle, an explicitly vicious process the Republicans eagerly exploited.
Mr. Obama got his win, but Republicans managed to burn away whatever remaining credibility that government had.
The first part of the Republican strategy is to obstruct and delay, to prevent even the opening of debate, which effectively gums up the works of government, and therefore makes Democrats look ineffective.
The second part is shameless and brazen: portray everything Mr. Obama does as being in league with socialists and communists. This discredits the very idea that government ought to do anything at all. According to recent public surveys people believe it because they blame government for the underlying economic despair.
Rightly or wrongly the Democrats are being blamed for the previous group of incompetent and/or crooked Republican government watchdogs who let Wall Street bring the economy to the brink of collapse, then bailed these financial wizards out, all while letting them continue receiving huge bonuses, which resulted in 8 million Americans being thrown out of their jobs.

Why is it that Republicans who all belittle the federal government so often want so much , through lies, deception, or whatever means, to run congress again? 

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