Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Top Republican National Committee donor convicted of securities fraud

A top Republican National Committee donor was convicted last week of securities fraud, according to Federal Election Commission records.
Former Brocade CEO Gregory Reyes, who was convicted in federal court last Friday on nine counts of security fraud, donated $75,000 to the RNC between 2003 and 2006, according to FEC filings. 

Reyes's conviction marks one of the most high-profile victories for the government in prosecuting financial malfeasance. Reyes was convicted due to the practice of backdating, a process of listing options on a contract at a different date than they were actually offered.

The GOP donor's conviction also comes as a debate over financial reform legislation is set to take center stage in Washington when lawmakers return from recess. 

Members of the RNC's communications staff could not be reached for comment Tuesday afternoon regarding Reyes's donations because they were all at ‘Voyeur’, the risqué bondage club in West Hollywood.

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