Monday, March 29, 2010

Republican Mississippi Governor, whose state is ranked last in health care, says media gave health care reform a 'long sloppy wet kiss'

Republican Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour must not be watching Fox News because he thinks coverage of health care reform has been largely favorable.
Barbour says the media has gushed over Democrats' ideas to improve health care in the US.
"Since this thing passed last weekend, we've been seeing the longest wet kiss in political history, given the Obama administration by the liberal media elite and every day that goes by, it gets sloppier," Barbour told ABC's Jake Tapper Sunday.
Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell just laughed at the notion. "I don't know what channels Haley watches but that's a lousy wet kiss, boy, because it's getting pounded in the media," Rendell countered.
Barbour was billed as a leading voice on health care by ABC News but his state is ranked dead last in health.
Watch the Gov. Barber and Gov. Rendell interviews on ABC here:

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