Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bush-appointed Federal Election Commissioner lied under oath in 2004 Voter Suppression case

Caroline Hunter, a Bush-appointed Federal Election Commissioner who remains in office, provided misleading statements under oath in an effort to conceal Republican National Committee involvement in vote suppression activities, known as voter caging, during the 2004 presidential election, a Raw Story investigation has found.

Legal experts say Hunter's submission of misleading statements under oath is a serious ethical and professional breach which could warrant a bar review and potential disbarment. At the time, Hunter was serving as deputy counsel to the Republican National Committee.

This took place during a trial regarding the Ohio voter caging issue in 2004. Her affidavit, which can be read here (pdf), was given under oath. There is a five-year limit on perjury.

See a report on the Raw Story investigation here: http://rawstory.com/rs/2010/0330/fec-commissioner-conceal-vote-suppression/

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