Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Chief Republican strategist calls for RNC chairman's resignation

In late November, Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele tossed his communications director overboard, and brought on divisive GOP strategist Alex Castellanos to help shape the party's message. On Tuesday Castellanos not only announced that he’s leaving the RNC, he suggested Steele should step down also.

"Chairman Steele, I think, has lost the support of two important constituencies in the Republican Party," he said, referring to the Congressional leadership, "and a lot of our major donors; the donors who provide the money, the lifeblood, the oxygen, the Republican Party needs to succeed on its mission to take back control of the House.”

"Perhaps a change in leadership here would thaw that and allow that support to flow," Castellanos said.

Castellanos' announcement came on the heels of news that a leading New Hampshire Republican member decided to resign from the national RNC, in part to protest the party's recent problems.

These departures follow Monday's staff shake-up, with RNC Chief of Staff Ken McKay being shown the door, and strategist Curt Anderson also leaving. By all accounts, morale at the RNC is low, and "staffers at all levels of the RNC are eyeing the exits."

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