Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Because of their wing-nut rhetoric, Repubs now concerned their constituents won't fill out Census

The Republicans are starting to realize that their inflammatory rhetoric has consequences that they did not initially anticipate. They are now very concerned that their constituents are not filling out the US Census forms. 

This as a direct result of all the lies, vitriol, and conspiratorial talk concerning the census they crammed down the throats of FOX viewers last year.

Republican leaders now fear that congressional redistricting driven by an undercounted 2010 census will not bode well for them. It hasn’t helped that Rep. Bachmann (R-Min) has been weaving conspiracies and fanning the flames by associating the US census with the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II.

Watch a Fox News report of Rep. Bachmann share her borderline seditious views on the Census here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APnfPnqwv9c&feature=player_embedded

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