Sunday, March 7, 2010

Republican party's newly defined words for the current political lexicon

Steve Benen of the Washington Monthly posted a list of words that have new republican meaning in the current political lexicon.

The Republican Party’s newly defined words are as follows:

Jamming it through - To vote on a bill.

Obstructionism – Refers to Democratic minorities opposing Republican proposals.

Tyranny - Is found when an elected Democratic majority passes legislation that Republicans don't like.

Reconciliation - Describes a Senate process that Republicans are allowed to use to overcome Democratic obstructionism, such as the Republicans use of it to pass the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts for the wealthy which added $ 1.7 Trillion to the deficit.

Terrorism - Refers to acts of political violence committed by people who aren't white guys.

Bipartisanship - Is found when Democrats agree to pass Republican legislation.

Big government - Describes a dangerous phenomenon to be avoided, except in cases relating to reproductive rights or gays.

Treason - Refers to Democrats criticizing a Republican administration during a war.

Patriotism - Refers to Republicans criticizing a Democratic administration during a war.

Fiscal responsibility - A national priority related to keeping our deficit in check, which only applies when Republicans are in the minority.

Parliamentarian - A supposedly independent official on the Hill who Senate Republicans are allowed to fire when the GOP disapproves of his or her rulings.


  1. Republicans hate middle class Americans

  2. I love it. Another example of republican hypocrisy

  3. Another example of Republican hypocrisy? How is a left-written lexicon an example of Republican hypocrisy?

    And saying that the 'Pubs hate middle-class America makes it so-well done.

  4. the new progressive vocabulary:

    Bipartisan: with or without discussion

    Job Creation: taking money out of the economy to piss away or opportion as seen fit

    Swamp cleaning: replacing slime with toxic waste

    Integrity: the ability to deny one's involvement
