Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Republican National Committee is providing campaign signs for Tea-Baggers in Washington this week

The Republican National Committee is paying for signs and political buttons used by Tea Party groups despite widespread disagreement among the conservative, grassroots activists on whether the movement should work to elect candidates within the Republican Party or steer clear from it.
The campaign items, paid for by the RNC, were on full display at a Friday press conference of tea-bagger activists who were in Washington D.C. for the “Take the Town Halls to Washington” project.  Red-white-and-blue buttons and signs emblazoned with the words “Listen to Me!” were passed out to attendees. At the bottom of the signs read: “Paid for by the Republican National Committee.”

Michael Patrick Leahy, a “Take the Town Halls to Washington” project organizer who is bringing tea-baggers to the capital to lobby Democrats on their proposed health-care bill, admitted that the RNC did provide the signs and buttons, but said he didn’t know the details of the arrangement with Republicans and couldn’t explain how the signs got there. “They just showed up,” he said.
An RNC official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the signs were given to the group at its request.
The buttons and signs were visible both at the press conference and inside “the war room,” a small area inside the hotel where the “Take the Town Halls to Washington” project is headquartered.  
RNC chairman Michael Steele met with tea-bagger activists in Washington several weeks ago in an attempt to keep them from supporting third-party candidates. Recent polling shows that Republicans will not fare well in November the tea-baggers support third-party candidates.

See photos of the signs:

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