On Tuesday
potential Tea-Bagger gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino compared the new
federal health care reform lawl to the 2001 terrorist attacks on a local radio
program according to the New York Daily News.
told radio host Curtis Sliwa in an interview on New York’s AM-970 that the day the
health care reform bill was passed will be remembered just as 9-11 was
remembered in history. He said, “It was an attempt by these people in
Washington to defy the Constitution", in a strikingly naive reference to the duly elected
Democratic congressional majority lawfully passing the legislation as stipulated
in the US constitution.
Paladino has
pledged to spend up to $10 million of his own money on the GOP primary and also
says he'll petition his way onto the ballot as a Tea Bagger candidate.
Donna O’Connor, a Syracuse mother who lost her
29-year-old daughter who was four months pregnant in the 9-11 attacks, told the
Daily News that she’d never vote for Paladino for making this comparison.
“It is despicable if in
someone’s mind those events are analogous,” Ms. O’Connor said. “That is not a
person who should be a leader of our country, of a state, of a city, of any
community. Once again 9-11 is being exploited for political gain. Our family members are
tools, not human beings who lost their lives and left behind wounds that will
never heal.”
Paladino has called on New York Attorney General Andrew
Cuomo to join other states in suing to block the health care law.
Tea Bagger, Tea Bagger, Tea Bagger, Tea Bagger, Tea Bagger, Tea Bagger, Tea Bagger, Tea Bagger, they're all clowns