Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Senator McCain, a man of principle?

Mr. J. D. Hayworth, a former Arizona Republican congressman, is expected to announce next week his challenge to Senator McCain in the Republican primary in August.

With the political winds of change moving sharply to the right Mr. McCain finds himself clumsily scrambling in that direction.

Mr. McCain now sharply criticizes the Wall Street bailout bill he voted for, switched from his earlier position that the Guantánamo Bay detention facility should be closed, offered only a deflated retort to the Supreme Court’s decision undoing corporate campaign finance laws, and did a complete U-turn from previous statements during the 2008 presidential campaign that gays in the military would be O.K. by him if the military leadership were on board.

 In response to McCain’s newly minted political positions, Mr. Hayworth said “John is undergoing a campaign conversion”. This, apparently in an effort to pander to the same voters whom Mr. Hayworth, a hard right Tea Bagger, could bring to his side.

“J. D. is our great hope,” said Rob Haney, chairman of the Maricopa County Republican Party, home to Phoenix, and Mr. McCain. “McCain has been a thorn in our sides for years. A dagger in our backs, really.”

Mr. McCain has been worried about the more right-leaning corners of the Republican Party, especially the ones in his home state. His support for immigration policy overhaul, campaign finance restrictions and his past opposition to the Bush administration tax cuts and the Federal Marriage Amendment have all contributed to his problems here. It should come as no surprise if and when McCain’s positions on these issues change as well. 

Is this a man of principle?


  1. Senator John McCain: the man who brought us Sarah Palin. Thanks so much Senator for foisting this paragon of virtues and values on America's citizens, NOT!

  2. I believe the Senator has some serious issues with sticking to his beliefs. Maybe he holds no beliefs at all: he just wets his finger and sticks it in the air to find out which way the wind is blowing, then runs in that direction like a scared cat.

  3. He's going to lose the teabagger/wing nut primary in his state in August. Keep it up GOP eat your own so we don't have listen to your collective B.S. ever again.
