Monday, February 8, 2010

Another republican hypocrite

Before he got caught using state tax-payer dollars to sneak out to Argentina to cheat on his wife, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford (R) waged a high-profile war against the federal economic stimulus package last spring, claiming that accepting the $700 million for which his state was eligible would lead to “a thing called slavery.”

Even as his state’s unemployment rate climbed above the national average, Sanford maintained his refusal to take the funds.

But this week, Sanford flew to Washington to demand $300 million in stimulus money for education.

Sanford’s trip, which did not appear on his official calendar, is especially hypocritical because the majority of stimulus money destined for South Carolina was to fund education and save thousands of teachers’ jobs. Yet, in March, Sanford told Fox News host Glenn Beck that taking the money would be akin to “fiscal child abuse.”


  1. I guess he is your typical family values republican who cheats on his wife, using tax dollars to do it, who shamelessly demands federal stimulus money after labeling it slave trade chattel to the wing nuts of his party earlier this year. Just like all the other republicans who voted against the Stimulus package but who then showed up for all the photo-ops when the money arrived in their districts. Why don't average Americans see through all their lies and deceptions?

  2. They're all hypocrites!!!!!
