Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tea Baggers pissed at Senator Brown (R-MA) for taking away average American's freedoms; like his support for financial reforms that adequately regulate 'poor little ' Wall street firms like Goldman Sacs, What!

During his fight to win Sen. Ted Kennedy's seat in Massachusetts, Scott Brown was hailed as the Tea Party candidate. Now the newly elected junior senator is under fire from the very groups that are credited with his victory.
Members of the Tea Party are infuriated that Brown has helped Democrats pass several key pieces of legislation. In February, he voted with the majority party to pass an important jobs bill. And just last week, Brown's vote gave Democrats the edge to break a filibuster on financial reform legislation.
Shelby Blakely the executive director of the media arm of the Tea Party Patriots is livid; "His career as a senator of the people lasted slightly longer than the shelf life of milk," she told The Boston Globe.
"The general mood of the Tea Party is, 'We put you in, and we'll take you out in 2012.' This is not something we will forget," Blakely said.
MSNBC's Keith Olbermann said, "Senator Brown is toast to the Tea Party and impact on getting other favored candidates elected may be in serious question."
"If the Tea Party crowd's mantra was fiscal responsibility, that's the first thing if you gave them a list they say they're concerned about, why go after Senator Brown about financial regulatory reform, which is also known, I believe, as fiscal responsibility?" asked Olbermann.
The Wall Street Journal's Thomas Frank joined the MSNBC host to help answer that question.
"They aren't really about fiscal responsibility, right? Where were they during the Bush administration when he was -- when the Bush people were running up these colossal deficits?" wondered Frank.
"What they're about is anti-government," he continued. "So, of course, they don't like what Scott Brown did. Whenever you empower government to regulate market participants, that's -- you're stripping away our valuable freedoms every time you come down hard on poor Goldman Sachs," Frank joked. "A lot of people thought he was a [Republican In Name Only] from day one...The conservative movement has this sense of themselves as forever being played."
Watch Keith Olbermann and the Wall Street Journal's Thomas Frank talk about Senator Brown here:

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