Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Progressive advocacy group releases ad critical of US Senator Brown's (R-MA) devotion to Wall Street

The progressive group ‘Americans United for Change’ has produced a new ad seeking to highlight the inconsistency between Scott Brown the candidate, a regular truck driving guy from Massachusetts, and the way they see the current US Senator Scott Brown (R_MA): a Wall Street supporting, limousine riding, anti-financial regulatory reform Republican.

Tom McMahon, Executive Director for Americans United for Change, said in a statement announcing the ad "After taking money hand over fist from Wall Street banks during his campaign, it doesn't look very good that Senator Scott Brown is now shielding these same banks from accountability for their recklessness that collapsed the financial system and left 8 million Americans without jobs."
McMahon continued: "The longer Senator Brown and his Republican colleagues delay Wall Street reform and refuse to even allow a debate, the greater the risk of another financial collapse that will cost more jobs on Main Street."

Watch the ad here:

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