Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Minnesota Republican Bachmann hated the U.S. Census until she realized her job might be gone

Republican Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann has recently come around on her fear and loathing of the U.S. Census.

Bachmann's latest communications director David Dziok said that the Representative will vote yes on a resolution today to encourage Americans to participate in the Census, and promote March 2010 as Census Awareness Month.

Just Last summer Bachmann avowed that she would not fully fill out her Census form, by only disclosing the number of people in her home. According to Federal law this is illegal, and would likely have resulted in her family not being counted. Bachmann said she was doing this in order to prevent her personal information getting into the hands of the government or ACORN, linking the collection of census data to the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II.

In accordance with Article I section 2 of the United States Constitution; a U.S. census must be conducted every 10 years. Reminiscent of President Bush, who had authorized spying on tens of millions of Americans in clear violation of the Fourth Amendment; Bachmann had apparently decided she would only abide by those sections of the U.S. Constitution that meet with her distorted view of governing.

Only since the Minneapolis Star-Tribune published a January editorial calling upon the state's citizens to actively participate in the Census because Minnesota might lose a House seat if the State’s population is not fully counted, did Bachmann stop criticizing the Census. 

This suggests she changed her tune only now because, to her horror, her own district might likely be cut up and spread among its neighbors from a district reapportionment driven by an undercounted census.

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