Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sarah Palin's grandson exposed to "Death Panels" with his socialized health care coverage

According to Shannyn Moore, a local news broadcaster from Anchorage, Alaska, Sarah Palin’s grandson has "socialized" health care coverage through a local Native Health Services Center.

Palin, the former less than one-term Governor of Alaska, is grandmother to Tripp Palin Johnston, whose parents are Sarah’s daughter Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston.

Pre-trial motion papers recently filed in Alaska concerning the custody battle for Tripp indicate that his health care is currently provided for by the Indian Health Services and the Alaska Native Medical Center as an enrolled member of the Curyung Trial Council within the Bristol Bay Native Association consortium.

About six months ago Sarah Palin informed all of America via Face book to the threat of “Death Panels” that would certainly come with the adoption of national health care plans that were being proposed by congressional democrats. 

Sarah may not be aware, but the current and immensely popular public health care plans which cover tens of millions of Americans, Medicare, Medicaid, and the Veterans Administration health care system, don’t appear to have any of the sinister death panels she alarmingly warned us of.

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