Saturday, February 20, 2010

Bob Barr angrily booed at CPAC for saying waterboarding is torture

Former Republican congressman Bob Barr was angrily booed at the CPAC conference in Washington, DC on Friday when he declared that water-boarding is torture.

During a debate of whether suspected terrorists ought to be tried in civilian courts or read Miranda rights upon arrest, Barr said the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996 provided the framework for how to deal with terrorist suspects, and said government officials should stick to that law.

"Either we believe, as lawyers, as lawmakers and as citizens, that there is value in laws, that laws that are passed have meaning and have a purpose, or we don’t," Barr said.

Barr said there's nothing magical about military tribunals, they don't have necessarily better lawyers than in the civilian sector. He went on to say that he has more faith in our US attorneys, who are non-political, than all the many republicans who do not support the use of civilian trials.

Barr said that the civilian courts can try them, and should try them, which is precisely what our laws provide for. He challenged the idea of handing all suspected terrorists to the military to let them torture them for a while. He declared that water-boarding is not an advanced interrogation technique, it is torture.

His comments were met with little applause and gasps among the audience at the conservative conference, which was quickly drowned out by loud jeers.

Earlier in Barr’s debate with Republican Congressman of California, Lundgren got an enthusiastic round of applause when he declared, "I support enhanced interrogation."

Barr served as a Republican House representative from Georgia from 1995 to 2003, before switching to the Libertarian Party in 2006. Prior he served as U.S. Attorney for Georgia during the Reagan and first Bush years.

See portions of the debate here:

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